How to remove Jquery from wordpress site.

Remove Jquery from wordpress

Remove jQuery from wordpress

Use of jQuery in WordPress

You all know that jQuery is a lightweight and open source JavaScript library used to customize and add dynamic features to a wordpress site  or a webpage.

JQuery can do many things which are useful to make HTML work easier mostly it is used to run web pages dynamically. JQuery is used to manipulate HTML DOM  and elements . 

The good thing to say about jQuery is that it was completely compatible with almost all the versions of Browsers and search engines.Jquery can manipulate the works of elements such as assosiated functions. 

In WordPress jQuery leads to produce dynamic and  sophisticated effects .

We all know that wordpress is one of the most popular and top rated sites for website hosting and creations .

JQuery in WordPress flats to execute correct actions properly in US Browser without help of reloading web pages. JQuery help to makes wordpress sites and pages more sophisticated and dynamic. One thing to say about jQuery is a part of WordPress.

Use of removing jQuery form WordPress 

By the removing of jquery from a wordpress website or a plugin the website will be more static than a dynamic. Means that the site or plugin will lose dynamic nature and gains a static one and at the same time load on web site will also be less. 

Removing of jQuery leads to probation of drawbacks. Yes you hear it properly. removing o fjQuery is done when the interactions on the web pages isn't responding for the load on the web pages is more.

Most of the cases by removing the jQuery completely results in vanishes or  disappearing of all the errors. Sometimes removing jQuery completely may also affect the pages and have a lot of drawbacks and complications. 

Do you know that WordPress don't use jQuery. Wordpress use the old version of jQuery.

What will happen if we remove jQuery completely from WordPress will be explained in the next article.

Removing jQuery from WordPress:

I will tell you to how to remove jQuery completely from the WordPress. It's not at all hard .Removing jQuery from WordPress will be done on a few steps.

Just copy the code given below and paste it in the functions.php file .

function my_init() {
    if (!is_admin()) {
        wp_register_script('jquery', false);
add_action('init', 'my_init');

That's it now you can completely remove jQuery from the WordPress.

Thats it for today .Meet you all in the next article, Until than plz be tuned.. 

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                                Yours Dinesh

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