It's all about the James Webb space telescope.

The james Webb space telescope 🛰️

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The most awaited Space Telescope mission has been successfully launched on December 24 2021. Its the Revolutionary Space Telescope ever created named the  James Webb.

From  the past years the most successful space telescope Hubble leading an important role on space universe by gathering the information of galaxies and planets from millions of light years distance. Result uttered by the Hubble Space Telescope were really precious and unbelievable.

As humans are the most reliable creatures on the universe And we are trying to dig the mysteries of the universe space galaxies..

Scientist are trying to know about the evolution of the origin of the universe so for that purpose James Webb telescope has been created and launched.

As from the inspiration of huble success work, NASA has created another Revolutionary space telescope which was hundred times better than the Hubble Telescope. The James Webb what's the most advantage ultimate Space Telescope ever.

As Hubble Telescope delivered a lot of science mysteries on the space and scientist were stunned by the gathered information buy Hubble Telescope and thought that Hubble Telescope very small thing before the universe and it's not compatible to find the space mysteries universe sofa that James Webb has been created.

The top most inspiring story the James Webb Space Telescope is that on behalf of the past our space telescopes had found Galaxy named z8_ gnd_ 5296 which was the most farest Galaxy which was about 13.2 billion light years distance. Having less Technology in Hubble Telescope it was only able to capture the general image of the Galaxy but it won't able to capture the complete sense of the galaxy. 

About James Webb:

James Webb space telescope

James webb has been started on late 1996 by NASA. James Webb Space Telescope is a compatible space mission which can find all the space mysteries. James Webb  can capture the clear sites of galaxies and celestial bodies and stars which are far behind  dust clouds with heavy masses.

The James Webb Space Telescope developed by it contributions from European space agency (ESA) and Canadian space agency(CSA). It was contributed for the respective services of James E Webb , who worked as the administrative officer at NASA on 1961-1958 who played a crucial role in developing the Apollo space mission.

The primary aim and Mission of the James Webb Space Telescope is find the first galaxies formed at space about the early universe, evolution of galaxies ect..

James Webb
Specifications of james webb

The respective price spended for creating this James Webb Space Telescope is 1000 crore rupees. The dimensions James Webb  Space Telescope are 20.1 97 m × 14.1 62 m and having the bandwidth of 16k bit/sec s-band up and 40k bit/sec s-band down . The manufacturers of  James Webb Space Telescope are north RobRop Grumman and ball aerospace Technologies.

How it works:

Working of james Webb space telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope mainly designed collection and gathering of information from the celestial objects and matter on the universe by capturing thermal radiation of infrared spectrum. The Space Telescope gathers information on basis of the infrared spectrum. As a past telescopes which are created by various space agencies will only collect and gather information uses of observing the general UV and visible region spectrums.

The James Webb Space Telescope is twice the size of Hubble Telescope. And it was  100 times better than the Hubble Telescope. This JWST consists of a primary Mirror in which having 18 hexagonal Mirror segments in it. And the main primary mirror will have 6.6 diameters size and can be fold and unfold. The primary mirror was designed by beryllium material which have 100 NM thickness of gold layer which will be very useful for reflection of light rays.

The light rays which are fallen on the primary mirror will get reflected to the secondary Mirror I am can get into the processing segment in which the reflected light will be process and information will be transmitted through a signal server.

And the major thing In The Space Telescope is the sun shield which will protect the instruments and processing segments from the harmful radiation and light rays. The sunshield consists of five layers which was designed by the kapthon material layered with aluminium and silicon coating.

As the infrared radiation emitted by it cosmic objects from the space and also the infrared radiation emitted by Space Telescope itself can accidentally overlap each other can can be destroyed. For that the sunshield has been created for the protection of instruments and processing segments.

But the James Webb not like that because every particle on this universe will have certain spectral wavelength which are divided into different wavelengths and infrared radiation on the wavelength spectrum can be captured by these Space Telescope .

James Webb uses the IR radiation 
To examine and gather information about the 
Starting point of universe and galaxies.

From the basic laws of physics we know that every object in the universe we have some density mass and emmits some radiation with having thermal radiation. And now the Space Telescope uses the ir spectrum emitted by thermal radiation and can find the every entity on this place and it not only gather photo of the celestial object or thing rather it can research on the entities which were found to it and can gather the  information of the internal details of the space entities.

Having an advanced instruments on this Space Telescope the James Webb can capture long range galaxies inspiral networks on the space which are far away from millions of light years distance. 

Wavelength spectrums

As being the process of gathering information by the thermal radiation  of infrared spectrum each the universe invisible matter can also be spectated by the Space Telescope easily. As we know that the total galaxies and spiral ways are composed with dusty clouds and heavy dark matter which wont allow the light to be passed away from it. General UV ,visible ,gamma ,x-rays wavelengths can't be able to penetrate through the dark matter and the dust clouds but infrared radiation wavelengths can easily penetrate through the dusty clouds and dark matter and can reach our planet easily. Therefore the Space Telescope can easily examine the infrared radiation and can gather the information easily and detailed.

Red shift Occurance:

Red shift
As expanding of galaxies happen then expansion of wavelengths also takes place.

The general meaning of red shift means expanding. Yes our galaxies and space spiral networks are expanding. That mean every cosmic object and celestial bodies on universe will expand according to the behaviour. This expanding of cosmic objects in space universe is called as Red shift effect. As redshift Being done in universe the wavelength of the respective cosmic objects and entities will also expand.

That mean the starting point the evolution of particular Galaxy will have specific wavelength of radiation as due to the redshift effect the the distance in between the wavelength on the spectrum will changes and expands. The expanded wave lengths reach Our galaxy as infrared spectrum radiation. Due to this red shift effect the James Webb Space Telescope can easily recognise the IR radiation.

Expansion of Universe and cosmic entities

As the expansion of space entities occur then the ir spectrum will expand more and can travel to earth easier and then we can easily capture those rays and can see the evolution of galaxies far away from 13.2 billion light yrs.

Scientists are saying that games web can make a Revolutionary time travel. That mean they are saying that with having  very long range site review of james webb there is an  possibility of a capturing the entities and cosmic things happened at the time of big bangs and evolution of galaxies and we then we can solve the space  mysteries behind the evolution origin of the universe.

The main scope and vision of the James Webb Space Telescope is to find the details and origin of the universe. Games name is also capable of gathering  information of Universe origin and evolution. As the James Webb Space Telescope successfully worked then we can know the new evolution theories on physics which can change the entire human theories related to space and science.

Main instruments in James Webb:






NIRCAM means near infrared camera

The main work of the NIRCAM is to observes and research on the stars and galaxies which are evolved at the beginning of universe. This mean NIRCAM specifically works on the starting Galaxies and planets. And also examine the solar systems exoplanets spiral ways Galaxies Orbits etc...


NIRSPEC means near infrared spectrograph. The main function of this instrument is to examine and observe the light evolved from the celestial objects, planets, exoplanets, stars, galaxies and gather the information about the chemical abundance, atmospheric composition, density, behaviour of the particulate matter on space.

A new technology has been introduce in this instrument that is Micro shutter system. This feature will only allow to study and examine specific Galaxy or a celestial body among the heavy matter on this space. There are nearly 250000 micro shutters used in this instrument which can perform multiple micro shutter operations at a time spontaneously.


MIRI means Mid infrared instrument. The main functioning of this instrument is to capture and study about the infrared radiation wavelengths penetrated by the dust clouds and gas surrounded between galaxies.


FGS means fine guidance system. The main functioning of this instrument is control and guide the Space Telescope which direction does it moves and which objects to examine. This really works as an main control and Processing Unit.

Uses and Advantages:

With the help of thermal radiation technique this Space Telescope 10 justify the cosmic object , celestial body, planet's density, atomic compositions, atmospheric compositions, existence of life relation of planets and stars.

With the help of James Webb telescope we can find the evolution of unseen galaxies which were formed before billions of light years.

With the help of James Webb telescope we can find the mysteries of starting point of the universe

With the help of James Webb telescope we can see the new evolution of galaxies and big bangs happening on space.

With the help of James Webb telescope we can know about black holes and dark matter completely.

We can see The Mysterious things happening on the spiral galaxies.

We can find the existence of life indifferent galaxies in different spiral ways.

We can better known about the exoplanets and we can also know about the parallel universes existence.

Like this so many unanswered questions and things will have answers. And scientists can get new evolution and space theories.


As this space telescope is located at second lagrange point which was 1.5 million kilometres away from earth.

For this reason no one able to repair this space telescope and space shuttle like other space telescopes.  Due to loacted at long range scientists are not able lo penetrate through the space orbits and it's impossible to get away from the  long second lagrange point.


James Webb can find the universe origin

Any how as we are the humans trying to reaveal the space misteries one by one. And the unknown thing is that knowing about space means it's impossible. Whenever we found some discoveries about space all they become false one day.  All of us know just a pinch about this great universe. 

If this greatest invention og james Webb works properly then there is a chance of getting information about the galaxies which were evoloved before 13.6 billions of light years . And as per scientists we  can also see the starting point of universe. Anyhow we will wait for those days on which all the space misteries reveal one day.

Thats it for today guys .Meet you all in the next article, Until than plz be tuned.. 

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                                   Yours Dinesh

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